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His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East is expected to make two scheduled visits to St. Andrew Parish in Glenview, Illinois over the coming months.

At 8:30am on 3 June 2012, His Holiness will consecrate with oil the new altar of St. Andrew Parish. Following the consecration, His Holiness will offer the Holy Eucharist to all faithful church members.

The celebration will be marked by a breakfast hosted by St. Andrew Parish’s committee at White Eagle Banquets & Restaurant in Niles, Illinois.

Parish priest at St. Andrew Parish, Chor-Bishop George Toma, said:

“We officially invite all our brothers and sisters in Christ, members of our Holy Church, sons and daughters of our Assyrian national group and all friends to bless us by their attendance in the liturgy of the consecration of the altar, celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the breakfast. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.”

On 15 July 2012, His Holiness will once again visit St. Andrew Church to lay his blessed hands on selected faithful, lifting them to the ranking of deacons.

Following the ordination of deacons, the Holy Eucharist will be offered. A breakfast will take place, hosted by St. Andrew Parish’s Committee at the Church Fellowship Center.

It is noteworthy to mention that according to the ecclesial calendar, 15 July 2012 is the Feast of Nusardel, Commemoration of Mar Quriaqos and his mother Yolethe.

Additionally, it was on this day in 1957 that His Holiness Mar Dink

The summer of 2001 marked the humble beginning of our beloved St. Andrews Parish. On July 17th, 2001 a small group of faithful from the Northwest suburbs met with Reverend Dr. Gewargis Toma to discuss spiritual matters. The main focus was to get closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and learn how to grow spiritually as Christians.

Reverend Chor-Bishop George Toma Canon of rector of St. Andrews church in Glenview, Illinois, USA of the Assyrian Church of the East was born may 1st 1957 in Northern Bet-Nahrain\Iraq. On January 06, 1980 was ordained a deacon by the Late Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Church of the East in Saint George Church in Kirkuk Iraq. 1984 was ordained a Priest at Saint George Church in Tehran, Iran by his Holiness, Catholicos. In 1995 was appointed a member of Assyrian Catholic dialogue commission between the Assyrian Church of the East and the Roman Catholic Church. Rev. George Toma is an author, lecturer and teacher.